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DevOps Course

The workflow of this course is that we will learn DevOps culture and it's tools while creating a project and we will start step by step in case of a basic knowledge is needed in IT we will explain it so everyone are in the same level7

Module 1: Introduction to DevOps

  • Understanding the Origins of DevOps: the DevOps story: Carrefour France (Told by Walid Dridi SRE at Carrefour France)
  • Problems DevOps Aims to Solve
  • DevOps Principles and Values: Collaboration and communication requirements to ensure smooth product delivery to production(Client)

Module 2: Functioning of DevOps Engineer in Real Life

  • Tools that we work with on daily basis:
    • Version Control : Git & Git Platforms: Bitbucket Github Gitlab
    • CI/CD tools: Jenkins, SonarQube, Nexus
    • Configuration Management tools: Ansible
    • Containerization: Docker
    • Orchestration: Kubernetes
    • and More advanced stuff...
  • CI/CD Deployment Methods (Blue/Green, Canary, Rolling)
  • Illustration of a CI/CD Pipeline

Module 3: Understand the Application

  • Prepare the environment for the Application Locally
  • Exploring Environment Variables and Configuration of the application
  • Run the application
  • Debugging and Troubleshooting if any problem occurs (typically you can ask the developer team for help)

Module 4: Version Control with Git and GitHub

  • Git Basics (Commits, Branches, Merging): the Demo will be pushing their application to Github Repository using Git Commands
  • Introduction to GitFlow Workflow and versioning
  • Collaborative Work with GitHub ( Create Github Organization and manage the students repository)
  • Branch Management and Pull Requests (to simulate Company workflow when making changes to main branch)
  • Demo:
    Create a "repository" (project) with a git hosting tool (like Bitbucket)

Copy (or clone) the repository to your local machine

Add a file to your local repo and

"commit" (save) the changes

"Push" your changes to your main branch

Make a change to your file with a git hosting tool and commit

"Pull" the changes to your local machine

Create a "branch" (version), make a change, commit the change

Open a "pull request" (propose changes to the main branch)

"Merge" your branch to the main branch

Module 5: Linux and Networking Essentials

DevOps will always contain Developing basics and Operation Basics that's why managing linux servers is a fundemntal part of DevOps

  • Introduction to Linux (basic commands + basic services (SSHD etc....) + bash scripting)
  • Networking Fundamentals: Protocols(TCP, IP, ...) networking configurations Setting up a network on Linux troubleshooting networking issues
  • Web Servers (Nginx, Apache) what is it and it's use case in deployment

Module 6: Docker and Containerization

  • What is Containerization?
  • Docker vs. Virtualization
  • Importance of Docker in DevOps
  • Docker CLI: works with container (basic commands docker pull/run/stop/rm/ps/logs/exec)
  • Understanding Docker Networking and Volumes
  • Building new Docker Image for our application with Dockerfiles

The Project: Dockerize our aplication (3-tier) using Docker file

  • What is Docker Compose and how it can help us create multiple docker container? and how it can help us in DevOps

Project: Setup our CI/CD tools using docker

Module 7: CI/CD Automation

  • What is CI/CD and the objective of automate the manual steps from building testing and deploying Continuous Integration Continuous Testing Continuous Deployment Continuous Delivery
  • Building, Testing, and Deploying with Docker
  • Container Registries like Nexus and Dockerhub

Project: Create a CI Pipeline to automate building testing and storing application artifacts

Module 8: Configuration Management with Ansible

  • Introduction to Ansible
  • Basics of Ansible Playbooks, hosts, variables, AnsibleFacts and more (configuration dynamic inventory roles....)
  • Setting Up a Web Server with Ansible
  • Create ansible playbook to deploy our application

Project: Create ansible playbooks to configure the VPC or cloud Server and deploy our application and finally integrate ansible with our Pipeline to ensure continuous Deployment

Module 9: Kubernetes in Practice

  • Core Concepts (control plane, ETCD, Controllers, Kubelete, Container Runtime Engine CRI )
  • Kuberentes ressources (Pods, Replicaset Deployments, Services)
  • Scaling and Load Balancing with Kubernetes
  • Integrating Kubernetes into CI/CD Pipeline